its okay. we know you are on facebook.
face the facebook.
its okay. its normal now.
we're robots.
i am in no way offended.
i don't even have enough attention span for facebook.
so like, i am way jealous that you exist. on facebook.
you are like making facebook history
facebook present
facebook future
rolled up in bacon.
delicious antibiotic laced bacon.
nononono. maybe a facebook crepe. something light and fluffly.
like a facebook souffle, but with cagefree eggs, cause that is in right now. i think.
no actually, like a spelt crust tofu facebook quiche with strips of fake tofurky and facebook wall sprinkles.
much better.
for vegan facebook junk food fun on the beach. not bp beach. some better beach.
like malibu staph infection sludge. nah. say maybe canadian beaches.
facebook on fake beaches.
photoshopped to look less toxic.
face book is a nurdle in your mind!!!!!!

delicious vegan facebook, yummy!
plastic vegan food even better! made with instant plastic facebook from the facebook store.
i thought facebook was just a burger king billboard. umm. well. for cannibals? no.
so when you have to hire a company or a free intern to facebook you?
then we got tech start-ups factory farming the facebook.
twit it!
that twitter nurdle crystal!
facebook is like blood diamonds, with no blood!
it is like a microwave but more fun!
could we cook our friends and make them cooler? with extra facebookification you too could be on this long all day infomercial (called facebook). for FREE!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could be as weird as my dad.
it will never happen.
although i did try vegenaise with pomegranate juice.
it was okay.
vegenaise was like the methadone to bring me down off los angeles.
just please apply more vegenaise.
does it taste good on facebook?

because they put miracle whip on facebook and raw eggs are simply very full of chicken goo and that makes me feel like puking and i do not want to puke on my keyboard although i used to be pretty good at puking!
does facebook support bulimia in addition to republicans and mayonaise?
but on the bright side:
look i'm on facebook via nick maybury:
art show!
but facebook ate the pictures and wont let me copy me pictures.
thank you for the email.
well photobucket happy.
pictures of confetti
is facebook better than vegemite?

better than vegenaise?
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