dedicated to the rest of the internet
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
is this facebook decaf?
eric hamilton wakes up to smell the facebook and i think he deserves to know . . .
face the facebook when facebooking: better than vegemite
for that friend who pretends to look up at you when you "act like a human" or talk while they militantly facebook their facefriends.
its okay. we know you are on facebook.
face the facebook.
its okay. its normal now.
we're robots.
i am in no way offended.
i don't even have enough attention span for facebook.
so like, i am way jealous that you exist. on facebook.
you are like making facebook history
facebook present
facebook future
rolled up in bacon.
delicious antibiotic laced bacon.
nononono. maybe a facebook crepe. something light and fluffly.
like a facebook souffle, but with cagefree eggs, cause that is in right now. i think.
no actually, like a spelt crust tofu facebook quiche with strips of fake tofurky and facebook wall sprinkles.
much better.
for vegan facebook junk food fun on the beach. not bp beach. some better beach.
like malibu staph infection sludge. nah. say maybe canadian beaches.
facebook on fake beaches.
photoshopped to look less toxic.
face book is a nurdle in your mind!!!!!!

delicious vegan facebook, yummy!
plastic vegan food even better! made with instant plastic facebook from the facebook store.
i thought facebook was just a burger king billboard. umm. well. for cannibals? no.
so when you have to hire a company or a free intern to facebook you?
then we got tech start-ups factory farming the facebook.
twit it!
that twitter nurdle crystal!
facebook is like blood diamonds, with no blood!
it is like a microwave but more fun!
could we cook our friends and make them cooler? with extra facebookification you too could be on this long all day infomercial (called facebook). for FREE!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could be as weird as my dad.
it will never happen.
although i did try vegenaise with pomegranate juice.
it was okay.
vegenaise was like the methadone to bring me down off los angeles.
just please apply more vegenaise.
does it taste good on facebook?

because they put miracle whip on facebook and raw eggs are simply very full of chicken goo and that makes me feel like puking and i do not want to puke on my keyboard although i used to be pretty good at puking!
does facebook support bulimia in addition to republicans and mayonaise?
but on the bright side:
look i'm on facebook via nick maybury:
art show!
but facebook ate the pictures and wont let me copy me pictures.
thank you for the email.
well photobucket happy.
pictures of confetti
is facebook better than vegemite?

better than vegenaise?
its okay. we know you are on facebook.
face the facebook.
its okay. its normal now.
we're robots.
i am in no way offended.
i don't even have enough attention span for facebook.
so like, i am way jealous that you exist. on facebook.
you are like making facebook history
facebook present
facebook future
rolled up in bacon.
delicious antibiotic laced bacon.
nononono. maybe a facebook crepe. something light and fluffly.
like a facebook souffle, but with cagefree eggs, cause that is in right now. i think.
no actually, like a spelt crust tofu facebook quiche with strips of fake tofurky and facebook wall sprinkles.
much better.
for vegan facebook junk food fun on the beach. not bp beach. some better beach.
like malibu staph infection sludge. nah. say maybe canadian beaches.
facebook on fake beaches.
photoshopped to look less toxic.
face book is a nurdle in your mind!!!!!!

delicious vegan facebook, yummy!
plastic vegan food even better! made with instant plastic facebook from the facebook store.
i thought facebook was just a burger king billboard. umm. well. for cannibals? no.
so when you have to hire a company or a free intern to facebook you?
then we got tech start-ups factory farming the facebook.
twit it!
that twitter nurdle crystal!
facebook is like blood diamonds, with no blood!
it is like a microwave but more fun!
could we cook our friends and make them cooler? with extra facebookification you too could be on this long all day infomercial (called facebook). for FREE!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could be as weird as my dad.
it will never happen.
although i did try vegenaise with pomegranate juice.
it was okay.
vegenaise was like the methadone to bring me down off los angeles.
just please apply more vegenaise.
does it taste good on facebook?

because they put miracle whip on facebook and raw eggs are simply very full of chicken goo and that makes me feel like puking and i do not want to puke on my keyboard although i used to be pretty good at puking!
does facebook support bulimia in addition to republicans and mayonaise?
but on the bright side:
look i'm on facebook via nick maybury:
art show!
but facebook ate the pictures and wont let me copy me pictures.
thank you for the email.
well photobucket happy.
pictures of confetti
is facebook better than vegemite?

better than vegenaise?
google me: facebook . . . oh my gosh
Monday, 26 July 2010
eau d'facebook
i think my brother gabriel eng will help me come up with the ad campaign.
maybe we can get kate moss to make it look really hot!!!!
forgive me if we go a little heroin chic just warning you!
(eau d'perfume bottle here)
or better yet the commercial!!!!!
maybe we can get kate moss to make it look really hot!!!!
forgive me if we go a little heroin chic just warning you!
(eau d'perfume bottle here)
or better yet the commercial!!!!!
indexability and privacy settings!!!! what?
braingarbage thinks a google search engine would like to find this blog easily!
my other blog "the real lacc" does too!
just unlocked the facebook PRIVACY control so anyone might see justicia todos: a facebook spawned for the facebook generation to help them want to come to the darkside(the rest of the internet) andlook at blogs and stuff.
so even too does hijab niqab blogspot
what should i do? spamdex myself? aghhh!!!!!
one way to think of facebook as
a very boring videogame
that also sells ad banners
except your friends are the blocks.
or landmine, but yr friends are about to explode
or solitaire to help you remember your friends
a pack of holy cards and your friends are the saints.
or baseball hero cards.
faint memories slipping through your fingers . . . (sad emoticon)
facebook makes me sad
digital graveyard!!!!!
try a spritz!!!!
after you wake up!
letter to my omniscient brother:
facebook: the musical
my other blog "the real lacc" does too!
just unlocked the facebook PRIVACY control so anyone might see justicia todos: a facebook spawned for the facebook generation to help them want to come to the darkside(the rest of the internet) andlook at blogs and stuff.
so even too does hijab niqab blogspot
what should i do? spamdex myself? aghhh!!!!!
one way to think of facebook as
a very boring videogame
that also sells ad banners
except your friends are the blocks.
or landmine, but yr friends are about to explode
or solitaire to help you remember your friends
a pack of holy cards and your friends are the saints.
or baseball hero cards.
faint memories slipping through your fingers . . . (sad emoticon)
facebook makes me sad
digital graveyard!!!!!
try a spritz!!!!
after you wake up!
letter to my omniscient brother:
gabe |
economics theory of venture capital spawning facebook
facebook forever right?
well so excited to talk to amazing prof volkhart vincentz about a venture capital paper dealing with technology start ups and tech firms.
ths blog becomes the starting point for a very fun project.
mellow beaucoups love for crunchbase for tracing the cash flow!!!!!
what fun.
and i hate to admit i am gripped by the witty irreverent paul carr's bringing nothing to the party and then also the crux is nettwerk's polyphonic . . . . at least as theory!
so my dream of becoming a facebookologist and like switzerland of facebook---i am facebook neutral sort of besides my secret facebook for my equality coalition . . . but that's faux political marketing----not a personal Statement of Identity.
well: here is my secret facebook.
it needs help bc i * facebook.
as so clearly the picture announces:
construction zone do not enter here
well so excited to talk to amazing prof volkhart vincentz about a venture capital paper dealing with technology start ups and tech firms.
ths blog becomes the starting point for a very fun project.
mellow beaucoups love for crunchbase for tracing the cash flow!!!!!
what fun.
and i hate to admit i am gripped by the witty irreverent paul carr's bringing nothing to the party and then also the crux is nettwerk's polyphonic . . . . at least as theory!
so my dream of becoming a facebookologist and like switzerland of facebook---i am facebook neutral sort of besides my secret facebook for my equality coalition . . . but that's faux political marketing----not a personal Statement of Identity.
well: here is my secret facebook.
it needs help bc i * facebook.
as so clearly the picture announces:
construction zone do not enter here
Sunday, 25 July 2010
totally confused by facebook
oh beck! help me!!!!
i am so unworthy of the great facebook! i totally don't get it. who will show me the way?
sean harrigan announces facebook defense committee
i hope he facebooks it:
i wrote:
can you think of any more embellishments?
like perhaps would you comment angry facebook defenses?
he says:
oh yes!!!! just no porn or cursing---keep that on facebook---new additions limitless facebookitus
you are bono's puppet!
oh yes, I can tear your whole FB bitterness party down to the ground. would you dare post my scorching rebuttals onto the blog???
i reply:
oh yes!!!! just no porn or cursing---keep that on facebook---new additions limitless facebookitus
plus i think the comments are open i will double check to make sure you can tag them up
now make it bitterly facebook-brainwashed soul sister!
you are bono's puppet!
investor people that bringa you the facebook!
look at accel's portfolio:
elevation says:
Founded in February 2004, Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's real-world social connections. Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. Facebook is a privately held company and is headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif.
Terms of Elevation's investments in Facebook have not been publicly disclosed.
Founded in February 2004, Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's real-world social connections. Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. Facebook is a privately held company and is headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif.
Terms of Elevation's investments in Facebook have not been publicly disclosed.
thank you for shopping facebook!
Facebook Tip from Facebook Security: On Facebook, there's no way to see who has visited your profile. We've also prevented others from providing this functionality. We're working hard to block and remove websites, Pages, and applications that claim to do this. If you see one, don't be fooled, and report it to us immediately.
facebook is to pepsi as myspace is to ___________
or facebook is to coca-cola as myspace is to__________
other boring things besides facebook
post office
doctor's office
comedy central
but not the internet---the internet is full of exciting stuff like this:
look i think bono owns facebook!!!!
(u2 song here)
because look this new investment company elevation partners with "bono rockstar" just rocked facebook
is that a lot of money?
can i repeat facebook makes me want to throw up all night long
i need a facebook exorcism
vik, darling?
smoking hot digital billboard "owned" by "Bono Rockstar"(???and gap and the red t-shirt people?????) and now it is going to save the world in the facebook/dead poets society OMG we are like all friends movie. yeah so okay?
so then maybe then radiohead can sing back at facebook about how everything is so passe now that we are all equally facebook celebrities and bono is commodifying socialism and is a one world collective unpaid job/free internship/art project building a huge boring piece of digital junk.
OMG facebook is like totally saving the world
can i have five dollars?
post office
doctor's office
comedy central
but not the internet---the internet is full of exciting stuff like this:
look i think bono owns facebook!!!!
(u2 song here)
because look this new investment company elevation partners with "bono rockstar" just rocked facebook
is that a lot of money?
can i repeat facebook makes me want to throw up all night long
i need a facebook exorcism
vik, darling?
smoking hot digital billboard "owned" by "Bono Rockstar"(???and gap and the red t-shirt people?????) and now it is going to save the world in the facebook/dead poets society OMG we are like all friends movie. yeah so okay?
so then maybe then radiohead can sing back at facebook about how everything is so passe now that we are all equally facebook celebrities and bono is commodifying socialism and is a one world collective unpaid job/free internship/art project building a huge boring piece of digital junk.
OMG facebook is like totally saving the world
can i have five dollars?
pre-approved facebook is dead committee
you have been pre-approved for the secret blog "why facebook facebooks" because you are the smartest people i know that . . . facebook? i think you facebook (v.) . . .
i think you should be recognized for your significant contributions to the facebook folklore and for your significant wit capable of perhaps grasping the immanent intellectual doom we face if unbridled facebook continues at this pace unchecked by a counter propaganda war!
i want to enlist you as my antifacebook army!
declare it dead, take hostages, and retreat.
exact massive facebook depopulation such that they enact swedish style social benefits to get people to stay.
i want facebook universal health care and arts grants!
youtube is doing it!!~!~!
yee great facebookers, victims and warriors, yee!
eric hamilton, muse
yash choukhany, catalyst
dan diamond (maybe not)
james oscar (but satirically)
glenn nunes (for business)
dustin mosley (")
vikram singh (?)
andy clockwise (artfully)
new invites:
kyle parkinson, well . . . nice handguns!
um . . .
am i going to hurt facebook's collective consciousness feelings?
will facebook shed one big p2p tear?
but i don't think any of you check your email since yr all on facebook so . . .
but why is your facebook secret?
oh, bc its boring.
i do not want to sign up. i just want to watch a short video.
classic facebook marketing problem for my secret favorite band GOVERN IX.
the dead link.
this is what i get when i click on their facebook google results:
thank god i bootlegged them onto a soundcloud
to save them from complete digital obsurity/facebook exclusivity
oh, facebook!
keeping my friends secret so (normal people) search engines cant find them.
shy shy shy!
so here i am looking for shay raviv this amazing music guy from violet vision electro scene
and this is what i am faced with
five hundred people named raviv?
like he would ever respond to an email . . .
i can't even fathom why facebook searches so poorly . . . oh yeah beacuse it is less than bing which is less than google which is less than total omniscience which is less than darpa.
even though google's blogger can be cutely censory!
(apocalypse metal song here)
so anyway google is going to try to kill facebook (which is already twitching with the "google me"* razzledazzle coming out soon. watch out facebook!)
i am telling you guys facebook is so dead and you guys are acting like warmed over myspace corpses!!!!!
as the awesome videos of my awesome friend david soldi playing seriously awesome guitar
are now a big facebook secret and not even on Youtube
because that would be so much more universal
and indexable.
required reading for facebookers and band managers:
you might not want to keep it so facebook hush-hush if you are really all that brilliant!
i don't know.
maybe you do.
i do not want to sign up. i just want to watch a short video.
classic facebook marketing problem for my secret favorite band GOVERN IX.
the dead link.
this is what i get when i click on their facebook google results:
thank god i bootlegged them onto a soundcloud
to save them from complete digital obsurity/facebook exclusivity
oh, facebook!
keeping my friends secret so (normal people) search engines cant find them.
shy shy shy!
so here i am looking for shay raviv this amazing music guy from violet vision electro scene
and this is what i am faced with
five hundred people named raviv?
like he would ever respond to an email . . .
i can't even fathom why facebook searches so poorly . . . oh yeah beacuse it is less than bing which is less than google which is less than total omniscience which is less than darpa.
even though google's blogger can be cutely censory!
(apocalypse metal song here)
so anyway google is going to try to kill facebook (which is already twitching with the "google me"* razzledazzle coming out soon. watch out facebook!)
i am telling you guys facebook is so dead and you guys are acting like warmed over myspace corpses!!!!!
as the awesome videos of my awesome friend david soldi playing seriously awesome guitar
are now a big facebook secret and not even on Youtube
because that would be so much more universal
and indexable.
required reading for facebookers and band managers:
you might not want to keep it so facebook hush-hush if you are really all that brilliant!
i don't know.
maybe you do.
for my birthday, i request that facebook roll over and die!
(open letter to andy clockwise)
death to facebook blog!!!! (you are here now!)
but heavens at least you unblock the privacy controls
with live singing in a videoblog!!!!
it is almost the nietzschean "facebook is dead" musical
you know,
the nameless
facebook when done well has a fruity blackcurrant undertone with a walnut finish and a smooth mouthfeel
and is unblocked for the nonfacebooked facebook atheists who failed to drink the facebook punch and get all facebooked out of their minds!
but i wouldn't necessarily recommend a toke of the facebook
it is like
the plague
a facebook song
we need pirate bay of facebook
to destroy facebook
to get through the dead links the gated fence around our friends
we need a way out of the digital prisons of our minds
the digital veils
i know telephones were annoying
and facebook is a good place to practice typing
but it felt so impersonal
when you said
"are you on facebook?"
and when i said "no"
you just just walked away.
i noticed beck is not on facebook
is that because
he's an angry genexer like me
or he has better ways to waste his time
i guess so
i guess so
i rather be on a new blog dedicated exclusively to telling you all that i think you have a disease called facebook
face book is cooties
it is a bathroom wall
for the unexpressed
the secret bloggers
whose work contracts forbid blogging
a direct precursor to book writing these days
you are enslaved
facebook is not freedom it a firewall
the failure to find new transmissions is
an opiate of sorts
i can't wait for a "human experience"
and therein someone will probably say
something utterly stupid
that will annoy me
which is why i am not on facebook
bc for the most part you are already annoying enough
in real life so much so
i have nightmares
about the telemarketing call center fundraising
for the apocolypse ground control maintenance center
and there is really very little you can do
comment on pictures
facebook is one gigantic hallmark card telling you
have a nice day
sorry about the oil spill
enjoy capitalism
enjoy war forever
enjoy narcolepsy
no health care
enjoy colonialism permutations and new subversions
the digitally enslaved
will have to come out of their digital bomb shelters
we can't all be anne frank anymore
not today
take take a bullet to the head or the eyes
dont participate
steal this book steal this car
does facebook really know who you are
or what you present
for your parents or freud
or your ex and your ex and your ex and your ex and all
of the exes who're stalking you on facebook
to know that you are okay?
and yet have deleted any reference to your existence?
defacebooked you so to say?
isn't it exhausting?
the social whirlwind
of being so petty everyday
in your playpen gagagoogoo
lalalalala lalala-ah
to destroy facebook
to get through the dead links the gated fence around our friends
we need a way out of the digital prisons of our minds
the digital veils
i know telephones were annoying
and facebook is a good place to practice typing
but it felt so impersonal
when you said
"are you on facebook?"
and when i said "no"
you just just walked away.
i noticed beck is not on facebook
is that because
he's an angry genexer like me
or he has better ways to waste his time
i guess so
i guess so
i rather be on a new blog dedicated exclusively to telling you all that i think you have a disease called facebook
face book is cooties
it is a bathroom wall
for the unexpressed
the secret bloggers
whose work contracts forbid blogging
a direct precursor to book writing these days
you are enslaved
facebook is not freedom it a firewall
the failure to find new transmissions is
an opiate of sorts
i can't wait for a "human experience"
and therein someone will probably say
something utterly stupid
that will annoy me
which is why i am not on facebook
bc for the most part you are already annoying enough
in real life so much so
i have nightmares
about the telemarketing call center fundraising
for the apocolypse ground control maintenance center
and there is really very little you can do
comment on pictures
facebook is one gigantic hallmark card telling you
have a nice day
sorry about the oil spill
enjoy capitalism
enjoy war forever
enjoy narcolepsy
no health care
enjoy colonialism permutations and new subversions
the digitally enslaved
will have to come out of their digital bomb shelters
we can't all be anne frank anymore
not today
take take a bullet to the head or the eyes
dont participate
steal this book steal this car
does facebook really know who you are
or what you present
for your parents or freud
or your ex and your ex and your ex and your ex and all
of the exes who're stalking you on facebook
to know that you are okay?
and yet have deleted any reference to your existence?
defacebooked you so to say?
isn't it exhausting?
the social whirlwind
of being so petty everyday
in your playpen gagagoogoo
lalalalala lalala-ah
facebook liberation front
free the digitally colonized!!!!!!
free the facebook potatoes!
create facebook commentary videoblog channel.
free the facebook potatoes!
create facebook commentary videoblog channel.
go facebook your . . .
please all honor to vikram singh who promises to be my facebook publicity agent and create a fictitious persona for me.
bear with him if it is all lies.
he's probably leading me on in a facebook-alternate-reality kind of way.
as eric hamilton says there is a facebook dungeons and dragons correlation. except how scary that there are real people in their advanced years spending their lives on facebook like they didn't hear about THE REST OF THE INTERNET and or the real world.
as eric hamilton says there is a facebook dungeons and dragons correlation. except how scary that there are real people in their advanced years spending their lives on facebook like they didn't hear about THE REST OF THE INTERNET and or the real world.
but this blog is the pre-refutation of the vikram singh ghost facebook.
bc i facebook suicided in 2008 september when faced with hyper controlling best friend photo issues annoying misogynist creepy people and my uncle and uh---guys i like---all on the same little yearbook.
its like when i was like---no. i do not want a yearbook to remember all this torture. thank you. but no thank you. i do not want to know about your dog and your annoying relationship and how many cursewords you can string together in new more interesting ways.
i cannot believe you paid for those horrible photos.
or that dress.
i read war and peace okay. and ulysses. please respect me here.
i do not want to read your stupid wall.
i talk to people on the bus. sometimes i talk to no one. i like that too.
oh but dear vik facebook me out there, facebook yourself to death. and even though everyone wants to be like super famous, keep it all private and locked up so i can't spy from behind your little accel venture capital drenched white walls of boringness and participatory surveillance.
bc i facebook suicided in 2008 september when faced with hyper controlling best friend photo issues annoying misogynist creepy people and my uncle and uh---guys i like---all on the same little yearbook.
its like when i was like---no. i do not want a yearbook to remember all this torture. thank you. but no thank you. i do not want to know about your dog and your annoying relationship and how many cursewords you can string together in new more interesting ways.
i cannot believe you paid for those horrible photos.
or that dress.
i read war and peace okay. and ulysses. please respect me here.
i do not want to read your stupid wall.
i talk to people on the bus. sometimes i talk to no one. i like that too.
oh but dear vik facebook me out there, facebook yourself to death. and even though everyone wants to be like super famous, keep it all private and locked up so i can't spy from behind your little accel venture capital drenched white walls of boringness and participatory surveillance.
but i'm still honored whatever the outcome of his postfacebook refacebookification of me.
even if its just all in his head.
like facebook.
my fictitious entity for the retro futuristic linkedin me i created a week ago is so utterly crammed with lies and non sequiturs, i must ask why why why must i facebook. i am trying to avoid people not find them. poor sartre would be forced to admit that not only is it true that hell is other people but also they are all on facebook. so facebook is like a dive bar, with no alcohol. with no amazing music to hide the fact that no one can talk to eachother. facebook is the awkward moment when i sort of want to flirt with the grocery store clerk, and then i don't because . . . of a lot of reasons. facebook is like watching welcome to the dollhouse or virgin suicides all day every day. or watching wonder years over and over and everyone is so special and unique and so clever and sentimental so consistently adding to their wall all day long from their blackberry incoherent unwitty uninteresting things all day forever . . . .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
facebook is where boring people go to be secretive exhibitionists and keep it secretly facebooky. and extra boring and bourgeois.
even when they try to be art camp, it is so played and boring and like aha! you throw knives. you have a gun. you are a cowboy!!!! hahahah!!!! now you are a kitty cat! now you are grooming other primates, with your computer! cute! kindof . . . .
and so artists unleash your facebookiness upon the outer reaches of the blogosphere . . .
go dada! at least open up your privacy controls unless you are trying to stay really secretive in that underground (yet on facebook) kind of way . . .
even when they try to be art camp, it is so played and boring and like aha! you throw knives. you have a gun. you are a cowboy!!!! hahahah!!!! now you are a kitty cat! now you are grooming other primates, with your computer! cute! kindof . . . .
and so artists unleash your facebookiness upon the outer reaches of the blogosphere . . .
go dada! at least open up your privacy controls unless you are trying to stay really secretive in that underground (yet on facebook) kind of way . . .
they are in a secret facebook world. are they?
yet they rule it.
facebook is like a big boring photo album that you are forced to look at all day.
and it is full of bad grammar and sleazy vocabulary and embarrassing situations.
facebook is like watching other people pick at their own skin. and then pick at each others. facebook is a mindless dull suburb outside of myspace which was an alternate reality outside some utopic rave full of incoherent burners.
facebook is the burner in preppy clothes, looking like a gap/abercrombie trying to look hot in baby blue without the excess dye washed out.
it is kawaii without the kawaii.
it is money with no taste.
it is digital mindless bling that makes you look more boring than you are as a sanitization of human existence.
it only makes sense to YOU!
especially if you are not interested in transcending ego pettiness.
yes and it is a place to stalk hot people.
it is money with no taste.
it is digital mindless bling that makes you look more boring than you are as a sanitization of human existence.
it only makes sense to YOU!
especially if you are not interested in transcending ego pettiness.
yes and it is a place to stalk hot people.
facebook is like scribd with no literary content.
facebook is so boring i can't stay focused long enough to create an identity.
facebook is where my BF's exlover circulated a rumor that i had AIDS and 4 children and a rich husband. in seattle??????
facebook is where people go to pretend they live in another city on someone's wall so they can be impressively mysterious to random people who barely know them?????
facebook is a place to go to pretend you are a little bit creative, but not too much . . .
facebook is a bumper sticker in the digital smog . . .
facebook is not a place to build your vocabulary. OMG.
facebook is a place to go to pretend you are a little bit creative, but not too much . . .
facebook is a bumper sticker in the digital smog . . .
facebook is not a place to build your vocabulary. OMG.
watch julian explain why facebook is so facebooky and why the facebookers are so facebooked out.
(facebook) MTV makes me want to smoke crack
not that i ever . . .
Saturday, 24 July 2010
facebook makes me want to throw up
artists who hide their identity as private for facebook
and shoot themselves in their facebooking feet publicity wise
digital colonization
a place to practice semi-literacy
is there anything on the internet besides facebook?
post identity
myspacification of facebook
now a bad
negative homophobic hater people
and shoot themselves in their facebooking feet publicity wise
digital colonization
a place to practice semi-literacy
is there anything on the internet besides facebook?
post identity
myspacification of facebook
now a bad
negative homophobic hater people
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