i am so completely into ARIES everything. i love their level of open-ness and energy.
for someone who dislikes facebook as much as i do, i am so delighted that someone is doing something cool there.
for one thing---open your facebook settings and go public people---so we can know what yr doing, thinking, creating, you facebots!!!!
#1 perry farrell has an open page.
very important marketing issue from a publicity angle.
whether it takes a special wave of zuckerberg's wand or whatever---people should open up their facebooks---
i am a part of this unrecognized unafflicted unfacebooked minority---but occasionally do want to spy on my friends a little.
a lot of them are too shy(?) to do anything off facebook.
the interface and premise is so boring to me that i can't possibly figure out why to facebook, or how to crack their constantly changing TOA and privacy/publicity settings, and as we are in the twilight of the facebook age, it is still important to somebody . . .
#2 perry is comfortable about his very open sense of poly-bi attraction, on facebook, in public.
plus he's witty and charming and aphoristic.
this is super cool to me!!!! super cool of the whole family . . . wow!
Perry Farrell I met with an inspiring fellow tonight. Someone whom I admire for his creativity, and off beat genius. We listened to passionate music together. I found myself aroused... I can't tell you who he is. He recommended we listen to Henrik Gorecki The 3rd symphony w/ Dawn Upshaw singing. It overcame me...
#3 now i guess this isn't so much a story but 2.5 hrs of facebook outage makes me want to ?. what did the world do? talk to each other, sing, exercise? something cool? maybe we should kill the facebook?
like we were supposed to kill the TV?
or live in the present tense
or recognize it for the opium of the cyborgs?
hope radiohead got paid handsomely for the "creep" choral redo for the social network movie. it is so vintage its eerie---it reminds me of dead poets the whole outlay. is facebook full of poetry, or the present tense?
or fear? shyness, passivity?
if anybody has any clues as to what is happening there, i would like to know, about facebook's secret machines.
or the old y2k way of calling "the hollow men": tools.
or the digital sweatshops . . .

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