dedicated to the rest of the internet

Sunday, 14 August 2011

high and dry: the best thing you ever had: collateral murder: facebook

a place to go for the truly pessimistic, narcissicistic, digitized first world
for the spurned one night stand
anonymous is coming to get you
thanks c-i-a forever

bradley manning has my back
collateral murder forever
the best thing that you ever had

Monday, 30 May 2011

for Lulzsec

PBS/lockheedmartin hacked espionage hearing greece facebook wikileaks boozallen narus

Friday, 27 May 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011


can you even remember what you did before facebook?
oh yeah.
and now after facebook, that is where you pop holes in your shiny rove airballoon, your irmeli krams rove borgstrom hurt hurtig assange war industry primegate scandal.
so definitely facebook is an improvement on abu ghraib.
abughraib < facebook < wikileaks < ?

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

a sad facebook story

there was a girl who so loved a boy, that she knew a way to catch his eye would be to be facebookless.  every time he would ask her do you have a facebook? she would say no.

and then one day, he so persuaded her by the publishing of her art, as his profile, that compelled, she felt he might join, if only he might be her friend.  and then shortly thereafter so many followed. she then met an actual boy, in human form, she loved with all her might.  he loved her back for thirty days and nights.
then he said, lets be facebook friends, and she knew it was the end.

and through a lonely facebook stroll, she would see his face, and pain would grip her throat.  not happiness, no indeed, it was something worse.

he left her for another more fair, who today confirmed me.

but then i facebook suicided.

i killed my facebook long ago in 2008.  so this temporary incarnation february to april 2011 was but  temporary instillation, for temporary friends, who i wished for actual friendship with.  and i was running around the world trying to prove to someone, that i am worth it.  but they cant find me there.
because i dont exist.
and they could email me if they really cared
i am too empty for all of this

the economy of industrialized digital friendship . . .
and how i particularly feel richer in friends and delusions . . .
this suicide around

and every time i might check it, not more than 5 or 6 times.  it seemed that i wondered was it despair that drove them there.  as despair was the only thing that would push me to the point, of checking on something so painful.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

HB Gary Affair anonymous Facebook MetalGear facebook botnet

Software to demobilize revolutions via facebook
destroy rebellions
out dissidents

DOXing on steroids
dept of homeland securtiy

software developed
facebook botnet

air force accepting bids
aaron burr
patent spelling out this 
homeland security


booz allen hamilton
air force

re: CIA investment
stat crunches yr social

inside MIC